2012 Publications

2012 Statistics

Number of Peer-Reviewed Papers: 23
Accumulated Impact Factor: 91.592
Average Impact Factor: 3.982


Adamczyk, B.; Salminen, J.-P.; Smolander, A.; Kitunen,V. 2012. Precipitation of proteins by tannins: effects of concentration, protein/tannin ratio and pH. International Journal of Food Science & Technology 47(4): 875–878. Journal IF 2012: 1.240.

Agrawal, A.A; Hastings, A.; Johnson, M.T.J.; Maron, J.L.; Salminen, J.-P. 2012. Insect Herbivores Drive Real-Time Ecological and Evolutionary Change in Plant Populations. Science 338(6103): 113–116. Journal IF 2012: 31.027.

Al-Sayed, E.; Singab, N-A.; Ayoub, N.; Martiskainen, O.; Sinkkonen, J.; Pihlaja, K. 2012. HPLC–PDA–ESI–MS/MS profiling and chemopreventive potential of Eucalyptus gomphocephala DC. Food Chemistry 133(3): 1017–1024. Journal IF 2012: 3.334.

Eeva, T.; Rainio, M.; Kanerva, M.; Salminen, J.-P. 2012. Plasma carotenoid levels are not directly related to heavy metal exposure or reproductive success in three insectivorous passerines. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31(6): 1–7. Journal IF 2012: 2.618.

Haviola, S.; Neuvonen, S.; Rantala, M.J.; Saikkonen, K.; Salminen, J.-P.; Saloniemi, I.; Yang, S.; Ruuhola, T. 2012. Genetic and Environmental Factors Behind Foliar Chemistry of the Mature Mountain Birch. Journal of Chemical Ecology 38(7): 902–913. Journal IF 2012: 2.462.

Kaczor, A.; Kronbach, C.; Unverferth, K.; Pihlaja, K.; Wiinamäki, K.; Sinkkonen, J.; Kijkowska-Murak, U.; Wróbel, T.; Stachal, T.; Matosiuk, D. 2012. Novel Non-Competitive Antagonists of Kainate GluK1/GluK2 Receptors. Letters in Drug Design & Discovery 9(10): 891–898. Journal IF 2012: 0.845.

Klika, K.D.; Tähtinen, P.; Mäntsälä, P.; Niemi, J.; Metsä-Ketelä; M. 2012. The potential of VCD to resolve the epimer vs. inverse epimer quandary. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 992: 156–163. Journal IF 2012: 1.139.

Kähkönen, M.; Kylli, P.; Ollilainen, V.; Salminen, J.-P.; Heinonen, M. 2012. Antioxidant Activity of Isolated Ellagitannins from Red Raspberries and Cloudberries. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60(5): 1167–1174. Journal IF 2012: 2.906.

Laukkanen, L; Leimu, R.; Muola, A.; Lilley, M.; Salminen, J.-P.; Mutikainen, P. 2012. Plant Chemistry and Local Adaptation of a Specialized Folivore. PLoS ONE 7(5): e38225. Journal IF 2012: 3.730.

Li, J.; Li, M-Y.; Feng, G.; Zhang, J.; Karonen, M.; Sinkkonen, J.; Satayanandamurty, T.; Wu, J. 2012. Moluccensins R-Y, limonoids from the seeds of a mangrove, Xylocarpus moluccensis. Journal of Natural Products 75(7): 1277–1283. Journal IF 2012: 3.285.

Liimatainen, J.; Karonen, M.; Sinkkonen, J. 2012. Procyanidin xylosides from the bark of Betula pendula. Phytochemistry 76: 178–183. Journal IF 2012: 3.050.

Liimatainen, J.; Karonen, M.; Sinkkonen, J.; Helander, M.; Salminen, J.-P. 2012. Phenolic compounds of the inner bark of Betula pendula: seasonal and genetic variation and induction by wounding. Journal of Chemical Ecology 38(11):1410–1418. Journal IF 2012: 2.462.

Liimatainen, J.; Karonen, M.; Sinkkonen, J.; Helander, M.; Salminen, J.-P. 2012. Characterization of phenolic compounds from inner bark of Betula pendula. Holzforschung 66(2): 171–181. Journal IF 2012: 2.416.

Martemyanov, V.V.; Dubovskiy, I.M.; Belousova, I.A.; Pavlushin, S.V., Domrachev, D.V.; Rantala, M.J.; Salminen, J.-P.; Bakhvalov, S.A.; Glupov, V.V. 2012. Rapid induced resistance of silver birch affects both innate immunity and performance of gypsy moths: the role of plant chemical defenses. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 6(4): 507–518. Journal IF 2012: 1.574.

Martemyanov, V.V.; Dubovskiy, I.M.; Rantala, M.J.; Salminen, J.-P.; Belousova, I.A.; Pavlushin, S.V.; Bakhvalov, S.A.; Glupov, V.V. 2012. The Effects of Defoliation-Induced Delayed Changes in Silver Birch Foliar Chemistry on Gypsy Moth Fitness, Immune Response, and Resistance to Baculovirus Infection. Journal of Chemical Ecology 38(3): 295–305. Journal IF 2012: 2.462.

Oja, T.; Klika, K.D.; Appassamy, L.; Sinkkonen, J.; Mäntsälä, P.; Niemi, J.; Metsä-Ketelä, M. 2012. Biosynthetic pathway toward carbohydrate-like moieties of alnumycins contains unusual steps for C-C bond formation and cleavage. PNAS 109(16): 6024–6029. Journal IF 2012: 9.737.

Oja, T.; Tähtinen, P.; Dreiack, N.; Mäntsälä, P.; Niemi, J.; Metsä-Ketelä, M.; Klika, K.D. 2012. Alnumycins A2 and A3: new inverse-epimeric pairs stereoisomeric to alnumycin A1. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 23(9): 670–682. Journal IF 2012: 2.115.

Parker J. D.; Salminen, J.-P.; Agrawal, A.A. 2012. Evolutionary Potential of Root Chemical Defense: Genetic Correlations with Shoot Chemistry and Plant Growth. Journal of Chemical Ecology 38(8): 992–995. Journal IF 2012: 2.462.

Riikonen, J.; Kontunen-Soppela, S.; Ossipov, V.; Tervahauta, A.; Tuomainen, M.; Oksanen, E.; Vapaavuori, E.; Heinonen, J; Kivimäenpää, M. 2012. Needle metabolome, freezing tolerance and gas exchange in Norway spruce seedlings exposed to elevated temperature and ozone concentration. Tree Physiology 32(9): 1102–1112. Journal IF 2012: 2.853.

Tähtinen, P.; Oja, T.; Dreiack, N.; Mäntsälä, P.; Niemi, J.; Metsä-Ketelä, M.; Klika, K.D. 2012. Epimers vs. inverse epimers: the C-1 configuration in alnumycin A1. RSC Advances 2(12): 5098–5100. Journal IF 2012: 2.562.

van Ooik, T.; Rantala, M.J.; Salminen, J.-P.; Yang, S.; Neuvonen, S.; Ruuhola, T. 2012. The effects of simulated acid rain and heavy metal pollution on the mountain birch–autumnal moth interaction. Chemoecology 22(4): 251–262. Journal IF 2012: 1.945.

Vihakas, M.; Tähtinen P.; Ossipov V.; Salminen, J.-P. 2012. Flavonoid metabolites in the hemolymph of European pine sawfly (Neodiprion sertifer) larvae. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 38(5): 538–546. Journal IF 2012: 2.462.

Yang, B.; Kortesniemi, M.; Liu, P.; Karonen, M.; Salminen, J.-P. 2012. Analysis of hydrolyzable tannins and other phenolic compounds in emblic leafflower (Phyllanthus emblica L.) fruits by high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60(35): 8672–8683. Journal IF 2012: 2.906.