Here is a collection of our scientific posters presented in national and international conferences.
- Effects of oligomeric ellagitannins on ruminal fermentation in vitro: Bigger is not always better (Nicolas Baert 2016)
- Proantosyanidiinien metabolia lampaissa: kvalitatiivinen ja kvantitatiivinen analyysi (Annika Lehtimäki 2015)
- Lupaavien ellagitanniinien eristäminen ja karakterisointi antiloistutkimuksia varten (Jussi Suvanto 2013)
- Isolation of Oligomeric Ellagitannins from Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) Flowers (Nicolas Baert 2012)
- Glyfosaatin ja sen hajoamistuotteiden analysointi maaperä- ja kasvinäytteistä LC-MS/MS-tekniikalla (Juho Välimäki 2012)
- Tannins in Geranium sylvaticum: Distribution among organs and biological activity (Anu Tuominen 2011)
- Insects as chemists: New flavonoid metabolites accumulate in the hemolymph of the sawfly larvae (Matti Vihakas 2010)
- First evidence of hexa- and heptameric ellagitannins in plants (Maarit Karonen and Juha-Pekka Salminen)
- Gallic Acid and Hydrolysable Tannins Are Formed in Birch Leaves From and Intermediate Compound of the Shikimate Pathway (Vladimir Ossipov)
- Pitfalls in Plant-Herbivore Studies: Quantification of Natural Levels of Foliar Hydrolysable Tannins (Juha-Pekka Salminen 2003)